Ecdysterone vs. Turkesterone: Natural Supplements Comparison
Ecdysterone and turkesterone are two natural compounds that are gaining more and more popularity in the world of health and fitness. Both substances, classified as ecdysteroids, may have potential benefits associated with human health, but they need to be used carefully and reasonably.
To use them properly, it is important to know their similarities and differences, learn how to use them, and make sure that they can be combined. Read our ecdysterone vs. turkesterone comparison to learn more about both substances!
Key Takeaways
- Ecdysterone and turkesterone are ecdysteroids, and they can be found in various insects, plants, algae, and fungi.
- They both may have muscle-building and endurance-improving properties and various other health benefits, but they are still under research.
- Keeping the right doses, they can be combined with each other or with other bodybuilding supplements.
- If used as intended, ecdysterone and turkesterone should not cause any significant side effects. If overdosed, they can sometimes lead to nausea.
- As ecdysterone and turkesterone are not steroids, they will not mess up your testosterone levels.
- There is no clear winner of the ecdysterone vs. turkesterone comparison, as they still need more research.
- At VemoHerb, you can order high-quality ecdysterone and turkesterone capsules with a 100% money-back guarantee.
What Are Ecdysterone and Turkesterone?
Ecdysterone and turkesterone are both ecdysteroids, which means their structure is similar to androgens. They were first encountered in the insect world – even their name stems from their ability to encourage insects, spiders, and crustaceans to shed their skin or outer carapace.
Both of them are quite similar hormones, but the intensity of their impact is different – turkesterone seems to have a more powerful anabolic effect.
Apart from insects, another source for these compounds can be plants (such as ferns, algae and fungi). In this case, these hormones play the role of a toxin that helps the plants avoid being consumed by herbivorous insects.
They appear quite rarely, as they have been found in only 6% of plant species. So as to always know the source clearly, ecdysterone and turkesterone derived from plants are called phytoecdysteroids (PE).
Ecdysterone is often referred to as a plant steroid, as it is mainly found in plants, including spinach.
Even though it is not 100% confirmed, there are studies showing that it may have some potential to increase muscle mass and improve general physical performance. *
It has a similar structure to the male hormone testosterone, but further research is needed to find more evidence that it can cause the same or similar effects.
Turkesterone is less frequently studied than its counterpart but equally intriguing. It is mainly sourced from Ajuga turkestanica, which is a plant native to Central Asia.
This compound is widely discussed in the athletic community, as it is said to show potential for anabolic effects – it may have muscle-building and endurance-improving properties, which are crucial for athletes and bodybuilders*.
There has already been some research on the biological activities of turkesterone, but more evidence is still needed to confirm its effectiveness completely.
In What Forms Are Ecdysterone Turkesterone Most Often Consumed?
Beta Ecdysterone Powder
While looking for ecdysterone, you are most likely to find it in the form of 20-hydroxyecdysone, also known as Beta ecdysterone. The ecdysterone powder is now usually produced from plant sources, such as spinach, buttercup, yew, verbena, or reed root.
What Are the Potential Benefits of the Beta Ecdysterone Powder?
Here are some of the potential benefits you can gain from consuming ecdysterone powder:
- It may support the synthesis of proteins in the human body*
- It may help to build muscle mass and enhance endurance.
Turkesterone Powder
Turkesterone can be most commonly found in the form of a powder produced from Ajuga turkestanica, a plant growing in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It seems to be more effective than other ecdysteroids.
What Are the Potential Benefits of the Turkesterone Powder?
Here are the potential benefits of consuming turkesterone powder:
- it may support the muscle-building process.
- It may support human metabolism*.
- It may be helpful in improving strength.*
Such potential effects suggest that turkesterone may behave as a receptor agonist, triggering anabolic and adaptive responses. Its fat and carbohydrate metabolism support may be useful for lowering fat levels and keeping healthy body composition.*
As turkesterone does not bind to androgen receptors, it does not reduce endogenous testosterone production. Therefore, it does not affect natural testosterone levels, not causing the characteristic side effects of steroids, such as liver toxicity, gynecomastia, or hypertension.
The Turkesterone Review Survey conducted in 2022 shows that 65% of users agree or strongly agree that turkesterone turned out to be one of the best natural muscle-building supplements for them. What’s more, some respondents claim that this substance is providing them with better results than creatine.
However, due to limited research, it is still not completely certain whether turkesterone can have a steroid-like impact on natural bodybuilders.
What Are the Scientific Findings Concerning Ecdysterone and Turkesterone Supplements on Human Data?
There have been some studies of ecdysterone and turkesterone on human data (for example, in 2003 and 2021), but there are still limited findings, and most of them are in vitro.
Nevertheless, the results are promising so far, as the supplements seem to be:
- Supporting the immune system*
- Enhancing lean muscle building*
- Improving health*
- Adaptogenic (protecting against stress)*
How to Dose Ecdysterone and Turkesterone?
The exact dose of ecdysterone or turkesterone depends on a few important factors, such as your age or health conditions.
You should always carefully follow the instructions on a particular product you purchase, but the average recommended dose is500 mg before a workout. It may help you maintain higher energy levels and get the most potential to build muscles during your training.
If you need more than one dose, you should split them throughout the day. It is typically recommended to have at least a 6-8 hour break between each dose for the most optimum effects of ecdysterone and turkesterone.
Can Ecdysterone and Turkesterone Be Used Together?
As both supplements are natural, you might be wondering whether it would be possible to combine them to maximize the benefits. Fortunately, they can be safely combined if you do it properly.
Most importantly, keep in mind that a turkesterone and ecdysterone stack are highly dependent on the dosage. To find the right combination for yourself and minimize the risk of side effects, it’s best to consult your pharmacist or doctor.
Is It Possible to Stack With the Supplements Individually?
Ecdysterone and turkesterone seem safe to use, so you might be interested in combining either of them with another supplement with similar benefits to achieve even better results.
It is actually quite a common practice, and ecdysterone can be stacked with, for example:
- Sapogenix
- Laxogenin
- Creatine
On the other hand, turkesterone is frequently used together with:
- Estrogen blockers
- Testosterone boosters
- Growth hormone boosters
- Fat burners
Can Ecdysterone and Turkesterone Cause Any Side Effects?
Turkesterone and ecdysterone are naturally sourced, and if taken as advised, they should not cause any significant side effects. However, if they are overdosed, they may cause nausea in some cases.
Overconsumption of basically any supplement can have unpleasant effects, and these substances are no exception. Keep your doses in moderation, always follow the instructions on the package, and stop using the product immediately if you feel something is not right.
Can Ecdysterone and Turkesterone Work Better Than Creatine?
Even though the effects of ecdysterone and turkesterone may sound similar to those of creatine, they work in different ways.
The first two are supposed to support testosterone and anabolic pathways, while the last one has been reported to work by boosting energy production within muscles and improving athletic performance*. For this reason, it is difficult to compare these supplements.
Ecdysterone vs. Turkesterone – Which One Is Better?
It is hard to name one definitive winner of the ecdysterone vs. turkesterone comparison. Namely, ecdysterone has shown certain muscle mass and strength improvements in human trials, while turkesterone has not yet been properly studied in humans in vivo but has been reported to be more anabolic*.
The Turkesterone Review Survey suggests that most users noticed muscle development and experienced a strength boost, but there is still not enough evidence to confirm that*.
As the substances work quite similarly, the results would likely be when it comes to ecdysterone. Further research is needed to determine the winner of the ecdysterone vs. turkesterone comparison, but it is also possible that it may depend on a person.
It often happens that bodybuilders find the best supplements for themselves by trial-and-error, trying out different products, and observing their effects on their body in particular.
Order High-Quality Ecdysterone and Turkesterone From a Safe Source
Here at VemoHerb, we pay a lot of attention to the quality of the offered products. By ordering them from a safe source like our online store, you will get supplements that should not cause any side effects (if they are used as intended).
We are sure we are providing you with the best products, and our certainty is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. The quality of our products is even confirmed with numerous video reviews.
Place your order now or contact our customer service if you have any questions!
1. Is ecdysterone better than turkesterone?
It is still not known whether ecdysterone or turkesterone can offer you better results – this subject still requires more research, especially in vivo trials on humans.
The results can also differ from one person to the next, so it may be a good idea to try out both and see what works best for you.
2. Does turkesterone mess with testosterone?
Turkesterone seems to have powerful abilities to stimulate muscle growth as it behaves similarly to anabolic steroids*.
However, as it doesn’t link to androgen receptors, it does not alter testosterone production and levels in the body.
3. Do ecdysterone and turkesterone need PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)?
As these supplements are all-natural anabolic agents, they may help you with muscle mass growth without messing up with your hormones or requiring PCT*.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Turkesterone, 60 capsules I VemoHerb®
Turkesterone for Explosive Natural Power and Muscle Growth
Ecdysterone (Leuzea), 90 capsules I VemoHerb®
Leuzea extract – Premium quality, Standardized to 95% Beta – Ecdysterone (20% ecdysone)