Ingredient Insights, Solid Life

VemoHerb Ecdysterone – Comparative Analysis

Comparing VemoHerb® Ecdysterone to some of the most popular ecdysterone products.

Based on independent researches and findings on the phytochemistry of herbs with different origin, we have chosen the raw materials we use to be of selected origin only. Using a high-quality herbal material, we manufacture our own branded extract of Leuzea carthamoides to create the uniquely effective dietary supplement VemoHerb® Ecdysterone.

As we do strive to back-up our claims as much as possible, we present you an independent scientific study done by a very reputable organization that tests the content of the active substances at the end-user products.

Now let’s compare some of the most popular ecdysterone based products on the market with our own VemoHerb® Ecdysterone.

In order to compare products, we need to identify the criteria which to compare.

In the case of herbal dietary supplements, the most important quality criteria is the biologically active substance. The scientists from the published study have tested the supplements for presence of the substance β-ecdysone while we standardize our product based on β-ecdysterone. B-ecdysone is very specific group of β-ecdysterone and it’s much purer. This is an important note since every company standardizes their product differently and scientists compare them mostly based on 2-3 factors.

Now let’s take a look at the comparison of 4 different dietary supplements.

If you look into the result column “Content of β-ecdysone (HPLC), % (compared to the capsule content / the tablet content)” you will see that results vary from 2% to 11,8% and the highest percentage of β-ecdysone – 11,8% is for VemoHerb® Ecdysterone and no other product comes even close to that. You should also note the percentage of βecdysone in the used extract probably the most important part of the examination. The other brand that uses Leuzea carthamoides as well has only 4,9% while VemoHerb extract has 20,3%. Even when using the same plant our product still came ahead by a far. But why is that?

Ecdysterone (Leuzea), 90 capsules I VemoHerb®


Leuzea extract – Premium quality, Standardized to 95% Beta – Ecdysterone (20% ecdysone)

What makes our product unique is the high quality of the extract we use.

We have found that Leuzea carthamoides extract has some of the highest concentration of β-ecdysterone, and our product has over 95%. We have continuously perfected our production cycle and what you see before you, is the product of 20 years hard work and constant improvement. The results speak for themselves.

The other difference that makes VemoHerb® Ecdysterone a top choice, is the raw material used in its production. The herbs VemoHerb chooses are wild grown, meaning they grow in their natural environment. Wild grown herbs turn out to be stronger, with greater variety of active substances, which brings the actual benefits of them.

It is obvious that you want the product with the highest content of active substance and based on the results we can proudly say that our product is one of the best!

Medical University of Sofia, Department of medical chemistry and biochemistry 

LaboratoryAnalysis and synthesis of bioactive compounds

Sofia 1431, 2 Zdrave str.

Analysis of
dietary supplements containing ECDYSONE

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The comparative analysis was made by HPLC method for the content of pure β-ecdysone.

Date: 05.05.2016                                                                                                                                                       /V. Lozanov/
Sofia, Bulgaria

The original analysis report can be found here.

Another independent analysis from Freie Universitaet Berlin

In this particular research, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany, is testing the content of ecdysterone as an active component in other commercially available Leuzea based products. They are using HPLC to measure the real quantity of active substance in a capsule (read more here), similar to the tests above from Medical University of Sofia. There are actually two Leuzea based products that are present in both analytical studies – the one from Weider, and the one from Peak Performance. It can be seen that these two independent studies have confirmed very close results of ecdysterone amounts present in each capsule for both products:
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We can then speculate that both studies have been done with highly similar precision, yielding similar results. Thus, we can conclude that if we compare the results obtained from VemoHerb® Ecdysterone, with all the products from both of these studies, VemoHerb will be on the top of the list with 50.7 mg active substance in each capsule!

We can proudly say that the high quality, the precision and uniqueness of our Leuzea extract, together with the perfect match of the formula, guarantees the ultimate experience and results for our clients.

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